Hello World – Welcome to October

Thanksgiving has come to Canada and we are quite thankful for the turkey and the prevalence of good people and derby around. Spectacular things have been seen on the track and we have been fortunate to witness most of it.

It’s been the time of my life getting to see the events firsthand at the Team Ontario Bootcamp and having those skills shown retrospectively to the action on the track at the WFTDA playoffs: at the D2 in Kitchener-Waterloo with all its fun-ness and the gigantic Beaver, then heading down towards Evansville, Indiana with the crew from Ohio Roller Girls to whom we shall forever be thankful for being Ohio and the last-minute decision to go down to see Utah to see our dream teams Thunder, Skids and Rocky Mountain [along with all the rest of the teams there, can you say Demanda Riot and B.ay A.rea D.erby G.irls] ?

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